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Ballina Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Ballina Wastewater Treatment Plant (WwTP) is a vital facility located in Ballina Town, near the border of County Tipperary and County Clare. Managed by Uisce Éireann and operated by Tipperary County Council, this plant serves the Ballina and Killaloe agglomerations, supporting a population that has grown beyond its original design capacity.

Originally opened in 1996 with a capacity for a population equivalent (PE) of 4,000, the plant now serves 5,400 PE, with projections reaching 8,400 PE over the next 25 years. This substantial growth required a comprehensive upgrade to meet modern effluent discharge standards and increased demand.

In December 2022, Ward & Burke was appointed by Uisce Éireann as the Main Contractor for this essential upgrade. The project involved:

  • Increasing the treatment capacity to accommodate the projected PE for the next 25 years.
  • Enhancing processes to meet stringent Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and ammonia discharge limits set by the EPA.
  • Maintaining uninterrupted operations of the existing plant during construction.

The scope of work included design, civil engineering, MEICA works (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control, and Automation), and operations. The project concluded with a seamless handover, including a 365-day operation and maintenance period for the upgraded wastewater treatment plant.

The success of this upgrade relied on contributions from leading suppliers and specialists, including:

Explore the full details of the project here.

The upgraded Ballina Wastewater Treatment Plant sets a benchmark for sustainable water management. By meeting current and future demands, the facility ensures the surrounding communities continue to benefit from reliable and efficient wastewater treatment. Learn more about Uisce Éireann’s commitment to water services.

For insights into other innovative infrastructure projects, visit our project portfolio. Learn about sustainable construction practices at Sustainable Future.

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