

Kilkenny RWSS

Our Client

Glan Aqua

End Client

Uisce Eireann & Kilkenny Co Co

The primary water treatment plant facility for Kilkenny City.

Shay Murtagh Precast have recently completed a contract with Glan Agua in delivering improvements to the water supply across Kilkenny for approx. 28,000 people. Uisce Éireann, in partnership with Kilkenny County Council, our end Clients are upgrading works of two separate water treatment plants (WTPs),  Radestown and Troyswood to provide robust water treatment facilities and also have adequate capacity to cater for future growth in Kilkenny City & Environs.

The project upgrades and increases capacity at the treatment plant at Troyswood and will become the primary water treatment plant facility for Kilkenny City.

Alongside the design, manufacture and delivery of the tankage, Shay Murtagh Precast also completed works on the Chemical and Intake buildings –


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