Bridge Engineers Can Now Take Their Tablets – Shay Murtagh Bridge Beam Manual Now Available for IOS and Android
Engineers will now be able to consult Shay Murtagh Precast’s invaluable Bridge Beam Manual on their mobile devices whilst on site or on the move, without needing to return to their offices.
This popular and well-used publication is now available as an App for iPad and Android tablet and smartphone users.
IOS and Android Apps – a Free Download
The third edition of the widely-praised Shay Murtagh Precast Bridge Beam Manual, which was launched in May at Infrarail 2014, has now been launched as an App for both Apple and Android devices. It can be found both in the Play Store and the Apple Store as a free download.
Mobile Information, as Requested by Customers
The new Apps have been developed in response to requests by designers and engineers, who need ready access to the reference material the Bridge Beam Manual contains, such as span tables and the designers’ checklist. The company has listened to feedback from its clients and sought ways to meet their needs.
A Range of Resources
The Android and Apple Apps join the paper and website versions of the Bridge Beam Manual to comprise a uniquely versatile set of reference resources, each adapted for use in different settings. The Apps are designed for speed and flexibility, but the most comprehensive version of the entire range remains the website version, which offers access to the BIM library of revit objects for each beam type.
Shay Murtagh Precast at the Forefront of Innovation
With this new development, Shay Murtagh Precast demonstrates its commitment to innovation, and its continuing desire to incorporate the best of information technology in its business model.
For more information on our full range of Bridge Beams contact the team at