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Box Culvert Design – Design Engineer Video Blog 6

This week, Steve explains design purpose of precast concrete box culverts.

He details load transfer including vertical load, earth and bearing pressure.

If you have a question for the team email us at technical@shaymurtagh.co.uk

Q6 – How does a precast concrete box culvert work?

Next week Steve will discuss: What is the function of the joint between the box culverts? 

Box Culvert Video Questions

  1. How does a precast concrete box culvert work?
  2. What is the function of the joint between the box culverts? 
  3. What are the typical steps in design of precast concrete box culverts?
  4. What design codes do Shay Murtagh Precast use to design precast concrete box culverts?
  5. What loads does a typical box culvert carry?
  6. What practical measures can be taken to optimise precast concrete box culvert design?
  7. What other structural types of precast concrete box culverts do shay Murtagh precast manufacture?

Remember you can contact us directly at technical@shaymurtagh.co.uk where we can assist with your design query.

Connect with Steve on LinkedIn at: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/steven-lowe/29/637/709

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