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North City Operation Depot – Multi Storey Car Park Finished 

Dublin City Council awarded Purcell Construction with the development of a consolidated operations depot. The depot will cover the local authority’s north city operations including Waste Management, Housing Maintenance, Public Lighting and Electrical Services, Traffic Management, Surface Water and Drainage (excluding foul drainage/Irish Water activities), Signage and Road Maintenance. The Operations Depot was developed on a 5.03 hectare site located near Saint Margaret’s Road, Ballymun, Dublin 11

Shay Murtagh Precast manufactured and delivered a multiple of precast to the development including Boundary Walls, Cladding Walls to the Admin Building, Sandwich Walls to the Vehicle Workshop and columns, t beams, l beams and cladding walls to the Car Park. The new operations depot and civic amenity site includes a four-storey office building with staff welfare and canteen facilities, bin store, plant areas and first floor external terrace of 4,963 square metres and a central stores warehouse building and workshops. Stunning finish the Car Park – have a look at some of the in construction and finished photos.

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